Is it Already 2018? Watch Us Get Flyer

deana lawson wanda and daughters 2009
Deana Lawson, Wanda and Daughters, 2009

Lawdamercy! Ladamurcy! O! Y’all, has it been an amazing year or WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Let’s recap…

Aside from Awesome Luvvie making the internet with her henceforth renaming of the orange demon who is currently figurehead of the Corporation, and the largest black woman magic event made in this modern era (Dawtas of the Moon Black Witch Convention) black women were doing some very amazing things for the culture, and therefore the world. This year, all the things we called forth in 2017 are bubbling into a solid. What did you do last year to make some rapid, drastic changes? Did you leave your comfort zone to do something new and scary? Good for you, boo, because this year, the word goes from manifestation to fruition. I hate when people talk like that, but I’ma start talking like that. I be like, oh, they not humble. But have you ever looked up the definition of that abomination of a concept? No. Don’t be humble anymore. Be conscientious and empathic, but don’t be humble in 2018. Overestimate yourself, because your shoes are some big shoes to fill.

Y’all, I don’t even celebrate the new year now. Spring solstice is the new year, or whenever it feels like the cold is gone for good for the next few months, that’s when I be like, Happy New Year!!!!! all on my social medias. I don’t even want to talk about anything that happened in 2017. I’m just going through separating the real from the fake. I’m not talking about anybody or anything BUT myself. The real from the fake. Let’s talk about that (in my imaginary talk show host voice. like Oprah). I don’t know where to start. It’s hard because I spent a lot of years being fake. Like, a people pleaser, not wanting to be an asshole, even thought that’s my very nature. People call it an asshole, but you’re really just a straight shooter. Took a long time to give myself permission to do that. And like, things I shoulda known better that I didn’t access to move in my best nature or my best interest. I have made so many mistakes. Embarassing, hilarious, preposterous mistakes. Hurt some good people, hurt some people who deserved it, and hurt myself. Where am I going with this? The point I’m making during this beloved winter  solstice self reflection time is that the fake me is ready to grow up. Taking off all the clothes of the summer to layer up and shake off the depression that usually grips me this time of the year. Some of the things I’ve committed myself to to enjoy this darkness, this cold season…

  1. Stretch my hips. I mean, my physical hips, but also my spiritual hips. Some are way ahead of others with the spiritual hip stretch concept, but basically, it’s throwin that ass in a circle for root chakra expansion. There’s a sacred dance in Vodun of Ayiti for Gede Zarenyen with just that going on. The spider pumps her pumpum to spin a web. In real life. And there are different materials for different parts of the web for many spiders, different web sources in the same butt, like compartments of webs, according to a documentary I watched with Pacha (my 3 year old) about spiders. Anyway, the hip stretch is the first step in creating a web to catch food. So i’ma be stretching the hell out of my hips to spin this web to catch this damn food. Hitting up the local dance class, that joint is only $5 on Monday nights. Get in there. Yeah yeah.
  2. Instead of saying, “I ain’t shit but at least I know it,” I’m graduating myself to something else. I don’t know what, and I still ain’t shit, but I can say that the low and base parts of my character have matured and are expressing me better and more fully. I know the woman code when I didn’t. I still have a big mouth though, and that’s something I’ve gotten a whole lot better about, and it’s still big. But it’s better. I celebrate all my wins, while simultaneously keeping it funky with myself about my losses. I take knocks sometimes. We all do. Like most of us, most of my knocks are my fault. As a woman, I can admit that now. Accountability. Not as a victim, but as a co-creator with myselves. We tryna be great and ourselves out here in 2018.
  3. Writing writing writing. That’s my magic. Everybody has something that strengthens their manifestations- how fast they happen, how accurate they show up to what I desired in the first place. No spellbook, website, or group chant can tell you what YOUR magic is. What works for you is special. Digital presentations where I’ve spent time on procuring images, writing ideas and thoughts down. Writing it down in my journal. Intense and focused amounts of my own Ase (spirit/life force) go into this. What is your own magic? What was your most successful work? That’s probably where it’s at. I have a picture I keep in my mind of me and my man horseback riding at the beach. With the horses in the water. Knee deep. I’ma take the picture and yall gon be like, oh shit. And I’ma be like oh shit, too.


If you haven’t yet, listen at the show on Soundcloud, iTunes, and YouTube. Donate at if you like what you hear and feel fed by it. I welcome feedback too, hit me up at Subscribe on here and on Soundcloud too. Share it with everybody you know, while you at it too.

2 thoughts on “Is it Already 2018? Watch Us Get Flyer

  1. Love the blogs here both in written and audio. This one I def connect to bc it reflects where I am as far as continuing to walk in my truth instead of others comfort. Moving out of my own way, too. As a Cap I’m often taken as aloof bc I’m private af. Then some come to me for advisement and then I’m too brass. Foh with the cookie cutter posture! I’ve been struggling this mountain of self awareness and am grateful to choose my peace 1st and always! Hope to kick in with you this year Queen! Keep dropping that real Larisha!!


  2. So glad to finally be following you here, I did not know you had a Blog on WordPress or else I would have followed a while ago. I love thee take that you bring in your show and in your blog as I have read one or two so far. Thank you so much and I pray your prosperity and peace and also your power as you continue to work for the community Through the community to the community. Peace and love


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